St Andrew’s Anglican College
The most significant change in Senior Secondary education in Queensland for almost 40 years will be enacted from January 2019!
Here are some key points to note about this revised Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system:
1. Current Year 10 students (2018) will be the first cohort in Queensland to progress through the new Senior Schooling system.
2. In this system, most St Andrew’s students will work towards achieving an ATAR score, the replacement of the current OP, for tertiary entrance application. Other students may choose an alternative pathway that does not lead to an ATAR result.
3. An ATAR is achieved by combining the results from four subjects at ‘General’ level and one of the following:
another ‘General’ level subject
an ‘Essential’ level subject (less academically challenging than General)
an ‘Applied’ level subject (less academically challenging than General)
a Vocational Education & Training course i.e. a Certificate III, IV or Diploma
4. The College is offering three pathways for students and parents to consider:
a. Competitive Entry ATAR: for those students intending to apply for entry to more competitive tertiary courses requiring higher ATAR scores (approx. ATAR 85 and above)
b. Broad Entry ATAR: for those students intending to apply for entry to other courses requiring ATAR scores at lower thresholds (approx. ATAR 60 to 85)
c. Non-ATAR: for those students who wish to be eligible after Year 12 for:
further vocational training
entry to the workforce
application to some tertiary courses
5. All students at St Andrew’s will undertake a 6-subject program on their chosen pathway. The six subjects will come from General, Essential, Applied and/or VET programs.
A significant amount of time, consideration and work has already been accorded to preparation for this system’s implementation in 2019. This includes already addressing implications for Year 10 and Middle Years programs. This work is ongoing over the coming years in further preparing, implementing and then reviewing our approaches to best supporting students on their journeys through and beyond their secondary schooling.
For further information about the new senior schooling system, please click here. [St Andrew’s Connect // Academic Docs // “New Senior schooling System” folder]
Questions about the new senior schooling system and the College’s preparations for this system can be sent to the Director of Studies, Mr David Elley:
Mr Dave Elley
Posted with permission
Original article published here
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