The above branding is a combination of the Anglican logo (Ang) and the acronym for and Early Learning (el).
Angel Centre Philosophy:
The overarching purpose of an Angel centre is to provide high quality Education and Care for children from birth up to and including school age. Angel Centres are places which foster and embody Christian values in environments that nurture peace and acceptance as well as learning success within a safe, shared community experience. Behind this endeavour sits recognition of children as co-participants in their care, their community and educational endeavours.
Angel centres acknowledge and respect family in all its forms as the foundation upon which each child is centred and recognises the role educators and community play as shared participants in each child’s journey.
As educators we are champions and advocates for the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and we endeavour to ensure our actions and intentions safeguard each child’s right to:
- respect for the best interests of the child as a primary consideration
- the right to survival and development
- the right of all children to express their views freely on all matters affecting them
- the right of all children to enjoy all the rights of the CRC without discrimination of any kind
Our services are child safe environments and celebrate and support the holistic child and as such provide environments and experiences that provide for peace, gratitude and balance across all aspects of human development and educational success.
Within an Angel centre, educators acknowledge early childhood research and theory as the corner stone upon which critical reflection is used to inform assessment and understanding.
Our educators provide for child autonomy and success through provision of a play-based curriculum where intentional teaching guides and enhances each child’s learnings and outcomes.
Angel centres look outward and acknowledge the unique cultures, norms and mores of the communities in which they are located. They recognise the importance of strong, healthy communities as sustaining good outcomes across the life span. They aim to embed sustainability principles and practices across all service operations and pedagogy. An Angel Centre means flexible spaces designed to provide for a range of experiences to enhance community capacity building.
They are busy vibrant places of welcome, connection, acceptance and support.